

为了庆祝NEA Big Read 2025,佛州华人华侨联合会与布劳沃德图书馆合作,在Miramar Branch Library举办了一场充满活力的启动活动。


该活动标志着NEA Big Read系列的开始。旨在促进社区内文化交流和学习的合作计划。

由CASEC和布劳沃德图书馆主办的NEA Big Read将于2025年2月8日上午10:30至下午3:30在North Regional图书馆继续举办Art Lit庆祝活动。

In a celebration of NEA Big Read 2025, The Chinese Association of Science, Education and Culture of South Florida partnered with the Broward Library to host a vibrant kick-off event at the Miramar Branch Library and Education Center.

The highlight of the event was an interactive Chinese Calligraphy demonstration by Professor Wei Feng from Barry University, where attendees were introduced to the beauty and elegance of this ancient art form. Participants had the opportunity to learn the basics of brush technique, explore the cultural significance of calligraphy, and at the end, everyone writes a word and then we choose the best one. The best one was rewarded with a Chinese culture book.

The event marked the beginning of a series of NEA Big Read. collaborative programs aimed at promoting cultural exchange and learning within the community.

There is Art Lit celebration on February 8 at North Regional/Broward College Library from 10:30am to 3:30pm. hosted by the CASEC and the Broward Library as they continue to celebrate NEA Big Read.