CASEC Student Academic Program

CASEC Student Academic Program is a student run organization under the Florida Chinese Association of Science, Education and Culture of South Florida. The founder, Sofia Olson, has a diverse cultural background; she was born in England, her mother was born in China, and her father was born in America. Sofia has loved to read books since she was a little girl. In 2019 and 2020, her middle school team won the Palm Beach County Battle of the Books competition.

She noticed that many Chinese-American students did not read as much as her, so she decided to do something to promote reading for the minority communities. The reading club started in 2021 and soon expanded from reading books, to learning math and languages as well, and is now known as the Student Academic Program. Based on demand from the community, more subjects may be added in the future.

The Student Academic Program provides educational opportunities for youth throughout our local communities. Our goal is to allow other students to help and support the education of others.

Our student volunteers host free academic sessions for children in elementary, middle, and high school students. They also learn the importance of giving back to the community.

If you are a student who would like to join our program, please register your name and area of interest on our list.

Student Academic Program Activities:

  • Reading group
  • Math group
  • Foreign Language group

Ways that Volunteer Students are rewarded:

  • Acquire volunteer hours, and based on the number of volunteer hours earn the Presidential Volunteer Service Award.
  • Develop leadership skills and participate in opportunities to advance their academic abilities.
  • Communication skills & time management.
  • Identify themselves as the ones who can make a difference.

From 2021 to 2022, the Student Academic Club had 104 total members. They hosted 22 different group events and held 400 individual learning session. To date, there are six students who qualified for the Presidential Service Award.

Thank you to all the volunteers that make an impact for other students. Please contact us through our email:



欢迎有特长和能⼒的学⽣加⼊志愿者服务团队,用你的专长来帮助其他学⽣。我们会为志愿者提供义⼯小时数。 达到⼀定时间的学⽣还可以申请美国总统义⼯证书和奖牌。

2021年⾄2022年,学⽣学术俱乐部共有学⽣会员104 名。举办了 22 次团体活动。以及400 多次个⼈学习课程。2022 年我们有六名学⽣获得了美国总统义⼯服务奖。


  • 阅读小组(小学组,初中组,⾼中组)
  • 数学小组(分不同数学级别)
  • 语⾔课程(中⽂,西班牙语)


  • 学会奉献精神
  • 提⾼沟通技巧
  • 学会时间管理
  • 锻炼语⾔表达能⼒
  • 将自⼰定位为能够有所作为的⼈

志愿者服务是在校初中/⾼中⽣⽣活中必不可少的⼀部分。初中⽣需要⼀定的志愿者服务时间才能被选为全国青少年荣誉协会会员。在校⾼中⽣需要⾄少100 小时的志愿者服务小时数才能毕业。志愿者小时数更是申请州立⼤学奖学⾦的衡量标准。加⼊华联学⽣俱乐部,以最好的⽅式来提升自⼰回赠我们的社区。
