

2023年12月,佛州华人华侨联合会学生读书会为棕榈滩县警察办公室的警察和工作人员制作了节日贺卡。有 17 名学生会成员参与了此次活动,以表达我们对警长办公室为社区所做的辛勤工作的感谢。随附学生读书会组织人索菲亚·奥尔森 (Sofia Olson) 将卡片交给第四区治安官办公室的 J. Wink 中尉的照片。

In December of 2023, CASEC Student Academic Club made holiday cards for the deputies and staff in Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. There were 17 students who participated in making these cards to show our appreciation for the hard work that the Sheriff’s Office provides to our community throughout the year. Attached are the pictures that Student Academic Club organizer Sofia Olson deliveried the cards to Lt. J. Wink of the District 4 Sheriff’s Office.